A horizontal corporate structure is not for napping

A horizontal corporate structure is not for napping

George Costanza did not have a healthy relationship with work. You might recall the often-bumbling Seinfeld character goes through a lot of jobs. While at work for the New York Yankees he figures out a way to nap by sleeping under his desk, which he has modified to his exact specifications. Recently NL Studio in Greece unveiled a workstation that breaks down into a bed. The design studio, whose website trumpets “controlled chaos” as a corporate theme, explains: “The main concept was to comment on the fact that many times our lives are ‘shrinking’ in order to fit into the confined space of our office.” The design is sleek and clever, and the commentary is sound, if a little sad.


There’s a concept we like better. At a lot of companies, plenty of lip service is given to the healthy workplace. Smoking cessation programs, a company-wide fitness challenge, walking groups, and replacing donuts with carrot sticks at the weekly meeting are all well and good. At EnSite, we believe a healthy workplace begins with its corporate structure. We put in odd hours at times. But we do it because we’re committed to the same things, not because we’re putting in the appearance of being near our desks.

We employ a horizontal corporate structure, meaning no one has a monopoly on good ideas and no mandates are handed down from an ivory tower. There’s no disembodied George Steinbrenner screaming from offscreen. All team members have free reign to provide feedback on all projects, and no one is left in the dark on decisions that affect them. As we emphasize connectivity in our projects, we acknowledge a direct link between our mental and physical wellness. And what can be healthier than being at work because you want to be?

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